LegaBears Exchange - 16 June '14
Grizzlers X Legacy All Stars
Hello everyone! Once again it was time for Legacy All Stars's annual cheer exchange with the bears from Grizzlers cheerleading.
Legacy meets Grizzlers!
Introduction time where members go about to mingle and shake hands.
And it looks like everyone is already hitting it off!
a stunt demonstration by Legacians.
Followed up with explanations on techniques by our Coaches.
And finally, time for stunting!
Great job, Grizzlers! ;)
Soon it was time for the exchange to come to an end and Coaches gave their final advice and comments on stunting. Time really flies when everyone is having fun!
Congratulations on Coaches Felicia , Michelle and Glenn conducting their very first(and very successful) legacy exchange!
However, it is not the end without a compulsory group photo:
Also, a big Thank You to Grizzlers for the awesome exchange! :)